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Cafe Daily Fish Cafe

Daily Fish Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 48
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Cafe Daily Fish Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 48
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 48
+38 068 927 2525
Ploshcha Lʹva Tolstoho, Palats sportu
Cuisine:  EuropeanSeafood
There is a seafood restaurant “Daily Fish Cafe” near Lva Tolstogo square. Duplex restaurant space is divided into functional zones with partitions. Interior has a sea theme — white and blue colours, the walls are covered with thin perforated plattens and corrugated metal sheets, that imitate fish scales. Menu includes popular European dishes, which are made by chef Ali al-Sultani. There is a wide range of dishes from salmon, mussels, shrimp, squid, and specialities of the house are rolls from pi...
There is a seafood restaurant “Daily Fish Cafe” near Lva Tolstogo square. Duplex restaurant space is divided into functional zones with partitions. Interior has a sea theme — white and blue colours, the walls are covered with thin perforated plattens and corrugated metal sheets, that imitate fish scales. Menu includes popular European dishes, which are made by chef Ali al-Sultani. There is a wide range of dishes from salmon, mussels, shrimp, squid, and specialities of the house are rolls from pikeperch, mackerel with potato gratin, sea bass fillet with warm vegetables. The wine list includes a large range of Italian wines.

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