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Cafe DeCoupaGe cafe

DeCoupaGe cafe
Kyiv, vul. Mala Zhytomyrska 9B
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Cafe DeCoupaGe cafe
Kyiv, vul. Mala Zhytomyrska 9B
Kyiv, vul. Mala Zhytomyrska 9B
+38 096 633 1373
Cuisine:  ItalianFrench
Family cafe "De Kupazh” meets guests on the second floor of historical building, located in the centre of the capital on Mala Zhytomyrska street. There are lavender studio, cafe-kitchen and outdoor balcony-terrace. Interior is decorated in Provence style: author's paintings on the walls, handmade decor, vases of fresh flowers, elements of Italian and French lounge style. The feature of the cafe is its open kitchen, where guests can observe the process of cooking ordered dishes. Menu is based on ...
Family cafe "De Kupazh” meets guests on the second floor of historical building, located in the centre of the capital on Mala Zhytomyrska street. There are lavender studio, cafe-kitchen and outdoor balcony-terrace. Interior is decorated in Provence style: author's paintings on the walls, handmade decor, vases of fresh flowers, elements of Italian and French lounge style. The feature of the cafe is its open kitchen, where guests can observe the process of cooking ordered dishes. Menu is based on traditional Italian dishes. Special lavender coffee is made from the products of its own roasting DCG caffe. Broadcasts of movies, trainings, master-classes are held often.

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