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Restaurant Dilizhans

Kyiv, vul. Ivana Franka, 46
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Restaurant Dilizhans
Kyiv, vul. Ivana Franka, 46
Kyiv, vul. Ivana Franka, 46
+38 096 402 0089
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
There is a restaurant “Diligence” in the historical center of Kyiv, at the intersection of Shevchenka boulevard and Ivana Franka street. It occupies ancient mansion of the nineteenth century and is located in a few steps from Botanical Garden and Volodymyrskyi Cathedral. Interior harmoniously combines modern decor elements and classical style: natural wood, stone and glass, soft sofas with checkered pillows, candlesticks and checkered tablecloths. Guests here are treated with traditional dishes ...
There is a restaurant “Diligence” in the historical center of Kyiv, at the intersection of Shevchenka boulevard and Ivana Franka street. It occupies ancient mansion of the nineteenth century and is located in a few steps from Botanical Garden and Volodymyrskyi Cathedral. Interior harmoniously combines modern decor elements and classical style: natural wood, stone and glass, soft sofas with checkered pillows, candlesticks and checkered tablecloths. Guests here are treated with traditional dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisine. Complex business-lunch can be ordered on weekdays. There is a game room for guests with children.


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