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Bar Engineer Restrobar

Engineer Restrobar
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 106
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Bar Engineer Restrobar
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 106
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 106
+38 050 900 3493
Palats Ukrayina
Cuisine:  AmericanSpanish
Engineer RestoBar is a family restaurant. The menu offers Central and South American fare. The walls are adorned with drawings, technical diagrams and paintings. Inside you’ll find brickwork, leather sofas and forged lamps. Guests can order dishes cooked in Josper, such as filet mignon with mushroom sauce, rack of lamb with porto sauce, potatoes, classic T-bone steak with Madagascan sauce, beef steak with pepper sauce and other fare.

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