Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Cafe FUNTIZUMA
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Kyiv, pl. Peremohy 3
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Kyiv, pl. Peremohy 3
Kyiv, pl. Peremohy 3
+38 067 650 3246
Vokzalʹna, University
Cuisine:  VegetarianEuropeanMediterraneanJapanese
Average bill: 
FUNTIZUMA is located at Pobedy (Victory) Square. The design is carried out in a simple Scandinavian style. Panoramic windows, wooden tables and chairs, sofas and lots of purple color and light evoke cozy atmosphere. The restaurant features two halls and an open kitchen, where one can watch the process of meal preparation. The menu offers European, Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. The restaurant puts a strong focus on a healthy diet, so there is no meat fare here. The menu is not static, adjustme...
FUNTIZUMA is located at Pobedy (Victory) Square. The design is carried out in a simple Scandinavian style. Panoramic windows, wooden tables and chairs, sofas and lots of purple color and light evoke cozy atmosphere. The restaurant features two halls and an open kitchen, where one can watch the process of meal preparation. The menu offers European, Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. The restaurant puts a strong focus on a healthy diet, so there is no meat fare here. The menu is not static, adjustments and innovations are constantly being made. Guests can always order fresh fish and a variety of cheeses. There are homemade liquors and wine brought from private households to enjoy

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