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Restaurant GARBUZiK

Kyiv, vul. Khoryva 2
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Restaurant GARBUZiK
Kyiv, vul. Khoryva 2
Kyiv, vul. Khoryva 2
+38 044 425 3586
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
Guests are greeted in a restaurant of traditional Ukrainian cuisine "Garbuzyk" in a picturesque place in Podil district. Menu consists of dishes, cooked according to old national recipes, collected from all regions of Ukraine. Specialties of the house are salad "Staroukrainskyi”, "Kuleshik from Marichka", varenyky on steam. Menu includes a variety of dishes from pumpkin. The restaurant serves a variety of business-lunches on weekdays. It has two floors with upper and lower halls, private cabin i...
Guests are greeted in a restaurant of traditional Ukrainian cuisine "Garbuzyk" in a picturesque place in Podil district. Menu consists of dishes, cooked according to old national recipes, collected from all regions of Ukraine. Specialties of the house are salad "Staroukrainskyi”, "Kuleshik from Marichka", varenyky on steam. Menu includes a variety of dishes from pumpkin. The restaurant serves a variety of business-lunches on weekdays. It has two floors with upper and lower halls, private cabin is also equipped. Colourful interior recreates the ancient Ukrainian way of life: whitewashed walls, massive furniture, made of dark wood, ethnic elements of decor in the form of old objects of everyday life. Live music sounds in the evenings, visitors can dance on a special dance floor.


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