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Bar Gremio Grill

Gremio Grill
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 74
COVID19 - SAFE Restaurant taking safety measures  
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Bar Gremio Grill
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 74
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 74
+38 067 411 6169
Cuisine:  AmericanJosperCaucasian
Average bill: 
COVID19 - SAFE Restaurant taking safety measures  
The network of grill bars «Gremio Grill» offers its guests hearty and healthy dishes. Which is why charcoal ovens are installed in every establishment. And the brand's chef and technologist are constantly working on updating the range of ready-made meals. Among the specialties of «Gremio Grill» there are: Double Gremio burger with double cutlet and pastrami; vegetable ratatouille; wet-aged rib eye steak; pork kebab; salad with veal. ...

The network of grill bars «Gremio Grill» offers its guests hearty and healthy dishes.

Which is why charcoal ovens are installed in every establishment.

And the brand's chef and technologist are constantly working on updating the range of ready-made meals.

Among the specialties of «Gremio Grill» there are:

  • Double Gremio burger with double cutlet and pastrami;
  • vegetable ratatouille;
  • wet-aged rib eye steak;
  • pork kebab;
  • salad with veal.

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