Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Cafe Kakao Bliuz
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Cafe Kakao Bliuz

Kakao Bliuz
Kyiv, vul. Saperno-Slobidska 8
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Cafe Kakao Bliuz
Kyiv, vul. Saperno-Slobidska 8
Kyiv, vul. Saperno-Slobidska 8
+38 098 777 6555
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianSushiJapanese
There is a cozy coffee-shop “Kakao Blues" in the Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv. Here guests are treated with popular European, Ukrainian and Japanese dishes. There are seven types of special cocoa-cocktails, as well as an assortment of coffee mixes and elite sorts of tea. Chefs cook complex breakfasts in the mornings, business-lunches are served in the afternoon. Visitors can order food to take away. The bar offers fresh draft beer and an assortment of alcoholic cocktails. Interior recreates the...
There is a cozy coffee-shop “Kakao Blues" in the Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv. Here guests are treated with popular European, Ukrainian and Japanese dishes. There are seven types of special cocoa-cocktails, as well as an assortment of coffee mixes and elite sorts of tea. Chefs cook complex breakfasts in the mornings, business-lunches are served in the afternoon. Visitors can order food to take away. The bar offers fresh draft beer and an assortment of alcoholic cocktails. Interior recreates the atmosphere of Parisian cafe: pastel shades, panoramic windows and mirrors, shelves with books and dishes, original elements of decor in the form of saxophone.


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