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Restaurant Kashemir

Kyiv, vul. Andriyivska 11/7
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Restaurant Kashemir
Kyiv, vul. Andriyivska 11/7
Kyiv, vul. Andriyivska 11/7
+38 050 410 3800
Poshtova ploshcha
Cuisine:  EuropeanJapanese
Average bill: 
Restaurant and lounge-bar "Cashmere” is located in Podil, welcomes guests with original interior. The place has central hall and karaoke hall “Private party room”, where professional sound system is installed. Menu represents a mix of European and Japanese cuisine, as well as a program "Personal chef”. It means, that guests can make themselves a dish from the provided ingredients. The restaurant also has hookah menu. Bar list has a large range of cocktails, strong alcohols and wide assortment of European wines.

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