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Restaurant Kerama-Mama

Kyiv, pr. Peremohy 89 A
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Restaurant Kerama-Mama
Kyiv, pr. Peremohy 89 A
Kyiv, pr. Peremohy 89 A
+38 044 490 6385
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
Family restaurant "Kerama-Mama" is located in Svyatoshinskyi district of Kyiv, near Geroyiv Bresta square. There are spacious main hall, cozy vip-hall for 20 seats and bar area. Elegant interior is made in pastel shades, the ceiling is decorated with stained glass, there is a lot of flowers and decor elements, made of ceramics. The chefs of the restaurant specialize in cooking traditional Ukrainian and European dishes. There is a separate fast menu. Complex business-lunches are served on weekday...
Family restaurant "Kerama-Mama" is located in Svyatoshinskyi district of Kyiv, near Geroyiv Bresta square. There are spacious main hall, cozy vip-hall for 20 seats and bar area. Elegant interior is made in pastel shades, the ceiling is decorated with stained glass, there is a lot of flowers and decor elements, made of ceramics. The chefs of the restaurant specialize in cooking traditional Ukrainian and European dishes. There is a separate fast menu. Complex business-lunches are served on weekdays. Specialties of the house include turkey fillet with pineapples "Terra's Gift", crayfish with fried mushrooms in mustard sauce "Aventurine", pike-perch with crab baked in foil "Harmony of Kahalonga", apple pie from Chef "Precious Pattern". Guests of the restaurant can enjoy live music in the evenings.


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