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Cafe Krudo Club

Krudo Club
Kyiv, vul. Khoriva 25
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Cafe Krudo Club
Kyiv, vul. Khoriva 25
Kyiv, vul. Khoriva 25
+38 093 921 2616
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  VegetarianHealthy Food
Average bill: 
Krudo Club
Krudo Club
Vegan restaurant “Krudo Club” is located not far from the metro station “Kontraktova Ploshcha”. The main feature of the restaurant is the absence in menu of any components of animal origin. Menu includes author's vegan cuisine dishes from exotic fruits, juicy vegetables and berries, fresh fragrant herbs, nuts, sprouted grains, vegetable milk and exclusive cashew dairy products. There are separate seasonal menu, breakfast menu, detox program. The restaurant occupies three floors and is decorated ...
Vegan restaurant “Krudo Club” is located not far from the metro station “Kontraktova Ploshcha”. The main feature of the restaurant is the absence in menu of any components of animal origin. Menu includes author's vegan cuisine dishes from exotic fruits, juicy vegetables and berries, fresh fragrant herbs, nuts, sprouted grains, vegetable milk and exclusive cashew dairy products. There are separate seasonal menu, breakfast menu, detox program. The restaurant occupies three floors and is decorated in style of Boho, with author's paintings on the walls, soft sofas with pillows as furniture. The basis of the wine menu is organic wines.

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