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Restaurant Kushavel

Kyiv, vul. Knyazhyy Zaton 21
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Restaurant Kushavel
Kyiv, vul. Knyazhyy Zaton 21
Kyiv, vul. Knyazhyy Zaton 21
+38 067 443 1720
Cuisine:  EuropeanMediterraneanFusionJapanese
Average bill: 
Kushavel restaurant located in Darnitsky district of Kyiv offers guests dishes of fusion cuisine. Elegant interior of the restaurant is created of stylish furniture, pastel walls, wooden decor and feature table cloths. The menu lists dishes of Mediterranean, Oriental and Pan-Asian cuisines in signature performance of Oleg Sheinker, the chief cook and the owner of the restaurant chain. For dessert guests may order house special tiramisu with Santa Lucia mascarpone delivered from Italy. The bar me...
Kushavel restaurant located in Darnitsky district of Kyiv offers guests dishes of fusion cuisine. Elegant interior of the restaurant is created of stylish furniture, pastel walls, wooden decor and feature table cloths. The menu lists dishes of Mediterranean, Oriental and Pan-Asian cuisines in signature performance of Oleg Sheinker, the chief cook and the owner of the restaurant chain. For dessert guests may order house special tiramisu with Santa Lucia mascarpone delivered from Italy. The bar menu comprises cocktails and hard liquors. The wine list has been developed by sommelier

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