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Restaurant La Bodeguita del Medio

La Bodeguita del Medio
Kyiv, vul. Jaroslavіv Val 21/20
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Restaurant La Bodeguita del Medio
Kyiv, vul. Jaroslavіv Val 21/20
Kyiv, vul. Jaroslavіv Val 21/20
+38 044 272 6500
Zoloti vorota
Cuisine:  Cuban
Average bill: 
The Cuban restaurant «La Bodeguita del Medio» is located on the Yaroslavov Val Street, in the historic district of the capital. There are several halls in the restaurant. Being decorated in an authentic Cuban-style the interior reminds of the atmosphere of Havana pubs in the 30s of the last century. The menu includes homemade Creole food. At the heart there are Cuban, Latin American, Spanish, and African and Caribbean cuisines. The bar list presents a huge selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholi...
The Cuban restaurant «La Bodeguita del Medio» is located on the Yaroslavov Val Street, in the historic district of the capital. There are several halls in the restaurant. Being decorated in an authentic Cuban-style the interior reminds of the atmosphere of Havana pubs in the 30s of the last century. The menu includes homemade Creole food. At the heart there are Cuban, Latin American, Spanish, and African and Caribbean cuisines. The bar list presents a huge selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The signature mojitos is mixed on the basis of Cuban rum. The restaurant regularly hosts concerts of professional Cuban musicians.

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