Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Cafe L'Entrecote
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Cafe L'Entrecote

Kyiv, pr. Obolons'kij 1B
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Cafe L'Entrecote
Kyiv, pr. Obolons'kij 1B
Kyiv, pr. Obolons'kij 1B
+38 067 242 9773
Cuisine:  EuropeanSteakhouse
At Obolonsky Prospect is located One of the restaurants belonging to the «L'entrecote». It is an alternative restaurant with French cuisine and smart menu. L’entrecote has only one main dish, so the menu represents only one page. The restaurant puts a strong focus on steak. This beef steak serves in special sauce with fried potatoes. Particular attention is given to dish serving. Before the main dish visitors can enjoy different snacks such as baguette with mustard, various salads. Followi...
At Obolonsky Prospect is located One of the restaurants belonging to the «L'entrecote». It is an alternative restaurant with French cuisine and smart menu. L’entrecote has only one main dish, so the menu represents only one page. The restaurant puts a strong focus on steak. This beef steak serves in special sauce with fried potatoes. Particular attention is given to dish serving. Before the main dish visitors can enjoy different snacks such as baguette with mustard, various salads. Following the main course, guests can enjoy one of the many desserts that are prepared according to French recipes and of natural ingredients. There are several halls and a summer terrace at guests’ disposal.

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