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Cafe l'Kafa cafe

l'Kafa cafe
Kyiv, bul. Lesi Ukrainki 2
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Cafe l'Kafa cafe
Kyiv, bul. Lesi Ukrainki 2
Kyiv, bul. Lesi Ukrainki 2
+38 044 360 7621
Palats sportu
Cuisine:  AmericanItalianMiddle EasternGeorgianUkrainianJapanesePizza
Average bill: 
Restaurant “L’Kafa cafe" of network "L'KAFA GROUP" is located in Pechersk district of Kyiv, on Lesi Ukrainky street. It combines cozy lounge restaurant, karaoke bar and nightclub. Complex breakfasts are served in the morning, visitors can order complex business-lunches during the day, sing their favourite songs in karaoke in the evening, and relax in club atmosphere at night. Menu has popular dishes of European, American, Italian, Japanese, Thai, Ukrainian and Georgian cuisine. The emphasis is ...
Restaurant “L’Kafa cafe" of network "L'KAFA GROUP" is located in Pechersk district of Kyiv, on Lesi Ukrainky street. It combines cozy lounge restaurant, karaoke bar and nightclub. Complex breakfasts are served in the morning, visitors can order complex business-lunches during the day, sing their favourite songs in karaoke in the evening, and relax in club atmosphere at night. Menu has popular dishes of European, American, Italian, Japanese, Thai, Ukrainian and Georgian cuisine. The emphasis is made on a thin pizza with different varieties of fillings, burgers, meat and fish treats, as well as on pasta and salads. Specialties of the house are steaks from pork and chicken, wild rice, oriental cakes with cheese, pancakes with chicken and mushrooms, warm veal salad, Ukrainian borshch with pampushkas, Norwegian cream soup with salmon, khachapuri in Megrelian style, pasta "Carbonara". Separate grill menu contains special salmon steak on spinach pillow, duck breast with corn grill, medallions of pork in bacon. There is an assortment of snacks for beer. Sushi menu is also offered for guests. Coffee cocktails, various types of tea, including special ginger, sea-buckthorn, blueberry and cherry teas are served. There are assortment of draft beer, special beer "l'Kafa", cider, mulled wine on white and red wine, author's cocktails and wine list. Visitors can order fragrant hookah. Bright interior is designed in eclectic style. Theme parties, performances of popular musical bands, live concerts and karaoke parties are held here regularly.


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