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Restaurant Malenkaia Odessa

Malenkaia Odessa
Kyiv, Andriyivskyy uzviz 21a
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Restaurant Malenkaia Odessa
Kyiv, Andriyivskyy uzviz 21a
Kyiv, Andriyivskyy uzviz 21a
+38 068 154 1943
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
“Malenkaya Odessa" is a small cozy cafe with summer terrace, located in the heart of Kyiv on Andreevskyi uzviz street. Guests can find here various dishes of Odesa cuisine in the author's interpretation of the chef. The main emphasis is made on dishes from the fresh Black Sea catch. Breakfast is served in the morning. Different brands of Ukrainian and European wines are represented. There is a children's playground with animators for kids. In addition, musicians and vocalists perform every ni...

“Malenkaya Odessa" is a small cozy cafe with summer terrace, located in the heart of Kyiv on Andreevskyi uzviz street.

Guests can find here various dishes of Odesa cuisine in the author's interpretation of the chef.

The main emphasis is made on dishes from the fresh Black Sea catch. Breakfast is served in the morning. Different brands of Ukrainian and European wines are represented.

There is a children's playground with animators for kids. In addition, musicians and vocalists perform every night in the cafe, live music sounds.

Regular sessions of short films, paintings, literary evenings, as well as tasting of craft beers, dance parties and culinary master-classes on cooking of seafood dishes are held here.


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