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Restaurant MARE AZZURO

Kyiv, vul. Bankova 1/10
Restaurant MARE AZZURO
Kyiv, vul. Bankova 1/10
Kyiv, vul. Bankova 1/10
+38 044 253 0765
Cuisine:  MediterraneanFish
“MARE AZZURO” is a fish restaurant, located in Pecherskyi district of Kyiv, at the intersection of Bankova and Institutska streets. Elegant interior is designed in classical style and decorated in calm beige tones. It is stylized as a ship: steering wheels, curtains in the form of sails and ropes. Chefs of the restaurant specialize in cooking dishes of Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin cuisine. The main focus is made on treats, cooked from Adriatic seafo...
“MARE AZZURO” is a fish restaurant, located in Pecherskyi district of Kyiv, at the intersection of Bankova and Institutska streets. Elegant interior is designed in classical style and decorated in calm beige tones. It is stylized as a ship: steering wheels, curtains in the form of sails and ropes. Chefs of the restaurant specialize in cooking dishes of Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin cuisine. The main focus is made on treats, cooked from Adriatic seafood: octopus, scallops, squid, oysters, shrimps, crabs, Seabass and Dorado fish, and from stingray wings. The restaurant's special feature is the original way of cooking fish dishes, where the fish is wrapped in foil or salt. Specialty of the house is grilled fish, fried on a grate and stewed in oven with vegetables. There are three halls and summer terrace. Live music sounds at the evening

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