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Restaurant Mario's Trattoria (Marios Trattoria)

Mario's Trattoria
Kyiv, vul. Marshala Tymoshenka 21
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Restaurant Mario's Trattoria (Marios Trattoria)
Kyiv, vul. Marshala Tymoshenka 21
Kyiv, vul. Marshala Tymoshenka 21
+38 044 333 5002
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianPizza
Average bill: 
One of restaurant-pizzerias of network "Mario`s Trattoria" is located in Obolon district, on Marshala Tymoshenka street. Interior is decorated in modern style: quiet pastel colours, large tables of natural wood and soft leather sofas. Menu consists of traditional dishes of Italian cuisine. Specialty of the house is pizza. Guests are served a variety of pizzas, as well as calzone — closed pizza and rectangular pizza for large companies. There are special children's menu, section with complex brea...
One of restaurant-pizzerias of network "Mario`s Trattoria" is located in Obolon district, on Marshala Tymoshenka street. Interior is decorated in modern style: quiet pastel colours, large tables of natural wood and soft leather sofas. Menu consists of traditional dishes of Italian cuisine. Specialty of the house is pizza. Guests are served a variety of pizzas, as well as calzone — closed pizza and rectangular pizza for large companies. There are special children's menu, section with complex breakfasts and grilled dishes. Complex business-lunches are served on weekdays.

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