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Restaurant Mi Piace Trattoriia

Mi Piace Trattoriia
Kyiv, Dniprovska naberezhna 33
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Restaurant Mi Piace Trattoriia
Kyiv, Dniprovska naberezhna 33
Kyiv, Dniprovska naberezhna 33
+38 044 393 1931
Cuisine:  Italian
Guests are greeted in a family restaurant restaurant of network "Mi Piace" in the heart of Kyiv. Menu offers a wide assortment of traditional Italian dishes, which are cooked according to various recipes, collected from all regions of Italy. Specialties of the house are traditional pan "Arrosto" with veal and seafood, carpaccio, "Caprese" salad, bruschettes, mussels with Dana Blue sa...
Guests are greeted in a family restaurant restaurant of network "Mi Piace" in the heart of Kyiv. Menu offers a wide assortment of traditional Italian dishes, which are cooked according to various recipes, collected from all regions of Italy. Specialties of the house are traditional pan "Arrosto" with veal and seafood, carpaccio, "Caprese" salad, bruschettes, mussels with Dana Blue sauce and dessert "Panna Cotta". In addition, there is a large selection of thin pizza with different varieties of fillings and pasta. Traditional dishes are cooked with Italian flour. There is a special children's menu. The restaurant serves complex business-lunches on weekdays. There is its own food delivery service. Summer terrace works in warm season.

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