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Restaurant O'duvan (Oduvan)

Kyiv, pr. Lobanovskogo 6A
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Restaurant O'duvan (Oduvan)
Kyiv, pr. Lobanovskogo 6A
Kyiv, pr. Lobanovskogo 6A
+38 073 014 1960
Cuisine:  JewishHealthy Food
Average bill: 
Family restaurant «O'duvan» serves its guests popular European dishes in signature performance of the master chef. The menu includes the main offer and specially worked out children's menu. All dishes are cooked of local, seasonal ingredients excluding deep frozen products. The restaurant serves fish and meat fares, salads, soups, homemade pastry and food prepared in Josper oven. Interior is characterized by green and yellow colors, real wood and ingenious dandelion lamps.

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