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Cafe Organic Cafe

Organic Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Volodimirska 40/2
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Cafe Organic Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Volodimirska 40/2
Kyiv, vul. Volodimirska 40/2
+38 067 238 8882
Zoloti vorota
Cuisine:  EuropeanHealthy Food
Average bill: 
Organic Cafe by GLOSSARY is located in the city center. The restaurant offers guests a beautiful panorama of the architectural monument Golden Gates. The interior is executed in style of ecological Art Nouveau with furniture and decor items made of eco-friendly materials. The menu offers European cuisine. Dishes are prepared with organic products grown on certified farms without chemical fertilizers and stimulants. The restaurant also serves fruit and vegetables from the plantation and dairy pro...
Organic Cafe by GLOSSARY is located in the city center. The restaurant offers guests a beautiful panorama of the architectural monument Golden Gates. The interior is executed in style of ecological Art Nouveau with furniture and decor items made of eco-friendly materials. The menu offers European cuisine. Dishes are prepared with organic products grown on certified farms without chemical fertilizers and stimulants. The restaurant also serves fruit and vegetables from the plantation and dairy products, Greek cheese, ocean fish and freshly baked crusty bread.

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