Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Pub Pab 4x4 (Pub 4x4)
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Pub Pab 4x4 (Pub 4x4)

Pab 4x4
Kyiv, vul. Budyshchanska 3A
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Pub Pab 4x4 (Pub 4x4)
Kyiv, vul. Budyshchanska 3A
Kyiv, vul. Budyshchanska 3A
+38 063 959 7744
Cuisine:  EuropeanGermanUkrainian
Pub "4x4" meets its guests in Desnianskyi district of Kyiv, not far from the metro station "Chernigivska". It has main hall with pub-zone, VIP-hall and billiard room. Interior is decorated in classical European bar style with original decor elements of car’s themes. Guests can enjoy fresh draft beer at the bar. In the main menu there are various popular European dishes prepared in the author's interpretation of the chef. The emphasis is on beer snacks. Sports matches are broadcasted often, and p...
Pub "4x4" meets its guests in Desnianskyi district of Kyiv, not far from the metro station "Chernigivska". It has main hall with pub-zone, VIP-hall and billiard room. Interior is decorated in classical European bar style with original decor elements of car’s themes. Guests can enjoy fresh draft beer at the bar. In the main menu there are various popular European dishes prepared in the author's interpretation of the chef. The emphasis is on beer snacks. Sports matches are broadcasted often, and performances of popular rock-bands are held.


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