Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Restaurant Prokhodymets

Restaurant Prokhodymets

Kyiv, vul. Kostjantinіvs'ka 37
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Restaurant Prokhodymets
Kyiv, vul. Kostjantinіvs'ka 37
Kyiv, vul. Kostjantinіvs'ka 37
+38 097 022 2237
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  EuropeanAsian
Average bill: 
Restaurant-bar «Prokhodymets» is located on Podol district. There are vintage details and elements of Art Nouveau in the interior: chandeliers with red shades, graphic decoration, antique furniture, old posters and retro photos. The restaurant has three main halls and its own brewery. Guests can enjoy traditional European, Mediterranean, Afghan and Ukrainian cuisines here. The restaurant serves dishes prepared on charcoal. There is a special children’s menu. The bar offers four kinds of home beer and a great selection of wine.
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