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Restaurant Retro Tbilisi

Retro Tbilisi
Kyiv, vul. Saksahanskoho 129 B
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Restaurant Retro Tbilisi
Kyiv, vul. Saksahanskoho 129 B
Kyiv, vul. Saksahanskoho 129 B
+38 044 235 9796
Cuisine:  Georgian
There is a cozy restaurant "Retro Tbilisi" near the metro station "Universytet”, on Saksaganskogo street. Atmospheric interior is decorated in style of ancient Georgian courtyard: wooden furniture, decorative shelves with bottles of wine and old dishes, live plants. IGuests can enjoy a wide selection of traditional Georgian dishes, cooked according to old recipes. Specialties of the house are khachapuri, chahokhbili, shish-kebab from lamb and pork, kharcho.

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