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Restaurant Samogon Beer Bar

Samogon Beer Bar
Kyiv, bul. Lesi Ukrainki 34a
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Restaurant Samogon Beer Bar
Kyiv, bul. Lesi Ukrainki 34a
Kyiv, bul. Lesi Ukrainki 34a
+38 067 484 6484
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
The restaurant Samogon Beer Bar of modern Ukrainian cuisine is located at Pechersk district. The interior of the restaurant reminds of a Ukrainian hut with a modern twist, where guests can relax in one of three halls - main, banquet or VIP. Here you will find the map of Ukraine, shelves with a variety of pickles, the moonshine and wooden ware. The bar of dark wood occupies the most part of the main hall. There is a variety of spirits, cocktails, draught and bottled beer, and different kinds of h...
The restaurant Samogon Beer Bar of modern Ukrainian cuisine is located at Pechersk district. The interior of the restaurant reminds of a Ukrainian hut with a modern twist, where guests can relax in one of three halls - main, banquet or VIP. Here you will find the map of Ukraine, shelves with a variety of pickles, the moonshine and wooden ware. The bar of dark wood occupies the most part of the main hall. There is a variety of spirits, cocktails, draught and bottled beer, and different kinds of homemade liqueurs. The menu has a large selection of traditional Ukrainian fare in the author’s interpretation of the chef. Restaurant actively cooperates with small farmers who supply products. There is a large selection of meat fare and beer snacks.

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