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Cafe Shuters Kafe

Shuters Kafe
Kyiv, ul. Sagaydachnogo 21
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Cafe Shuters Kafe
Kyiv, ul. Sagaydachnogo 21
Kyiv, ul. Sagaydachnogo 21
+38 044 239 2939
Cuisine:  AmericanEuropeanSushi
Shuters Kafe
Shuters Kafe
Shuters Kafe
Shooters cafe is housed in Podil district not far from Poschtova Square and the Impressa hotel. The cafe welcomes guests in the Shooters bar hall, Limoncello dining room and private Harem hall, designed in oriental style, as well as on the summer terrace. The menu combines popular dishes of European, Italian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, French and Japanese cuisine. On the territory of the restaurant there is a souvenir shop, where guests may buy gift certificates and branded T-shirts wearing which on Thursday you may visit cafe for free.

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