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Cafe Siam Cafe

Siam Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Verkhniy Val 54
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Cafe Siam Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Verkhniy Val 54
Kyiv, vul. Verkhniy Val 54
+38 044 428 7099
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  ChineseThaiJapanese
Siam Café is located on Podil district. The restaurant serves popular Southeastern Asian fare. The menu offers Chinese, Thai and Japanese cuisine. The house specialties are pork and chicken shashlyk, Mix Sate and Taled Pad Tau Khu, assorted seafood served in frizzing frying pan. Guests can make tea ceremonies: Chinese tea ceremony, maté ceremony or Ethiopian coffee one. It is possible to relax with a hookah of different flavors.

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