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Restaurant Teplo

Kyiv, vul. Vyacheslava Chornovola 29a
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Restaurant Teplo
Kyiv, vul. Vyacheslava Chornovola 29a
Kyiv, vul. Vyacheslava Chornovola 29a
+38 098 177 9977
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianMediterranean
A restaurant, called “Teplo”, is located on Chornovola street in a high-rise residential building. Restaurant specialises in Mediterranean, Italian and European cuisine. It has two kitchens. Main kitchen with chef operates on the top floor. And there are pizzeria and bakery on the first floor. Guests can enjoy foie gras and traditional Italian pasta, pappardelle with stewed rabbit with cream sauce, hot roll exclusive salad with shrimp, soup with broccoli and egg-pashot, cheesecakes, pancakes, to...
A restaurant, called “Teplo”, is located on Chornovola street in a high-rise residential building. Restaurant specialises in Mediterranean, Italian and European cuisine. It has two kitchens. Main kitchen with chef operates on the top floor. And there are pizzeria and bakery on the first floor. Guests can enjoy foie gras and traditional Italian pasta, pappardelle with stewed rabbit with cream sauce, hot roll exclusive salad with shrimp, soup with broccoli and egg-pashot, cheesecakes, pancakes, toasts and eggs for breakfast, soups, pizza, burgers, fish and meat dishes for dinner. There are also specialities of the house. Children's corner for younger guests works on the ground floor of the restaurant. Here fascinating master-classes and educational games in the company of professional animator are held.

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