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Restaurant Traktir Myasoedov

Traktir Myasoedov
Kyiv, vul. Prytysko-Mykilska 4
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Restaurant Traktir Myasoedov
Kyiv, vul. Prytysko-Mykilska 4
Kyiv, vul. Prytysko-Mykilska 4
+38 044 425 4344
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Cozy restaurant “Traktir Myasoyedov” is located in the historical part of Kyiv, at the intersection of Horeva and Prytysko streets — on Nicholska street. The interior is designed in atmosphere of Ukrainian restaurants of the early twentieth century. There are three banquet halls and small vip-room. Menu includes a range of traditional European and Ukrainian cuisine dishes, cooked on grill. Summer terrace works during warm season. Bar list offers a wide selection of drinks — from Ukrainian vodka to a variety of cocktails.

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