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Pub Trallebus

Kyiv, vul. Prorіzna 21
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Pub Trallebus
Kyiv, vul. Prorіzna 21
Kyiv, vul. Prorіzna 21
+38 044 279 3434
Zoloti vorota
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
On Prorizna Street in Shevchnkivsky district found it's home a snug pub called «Tralleybus». The menu combines popular European and Ukrainian dishes. Diners are offered soups, salads, snacks, varenyki and grilled food. Favorites on the menu are sandwiches, different beer snacks as shrimps, fish, mushrooms and roasted frogs. Do drink there is a good choice of Czech and Belgian beer as well as different options of house special liquors (nastoika) - Khrenovuha, Klukivka, Rjavi Gaiky. On Tuesdays gu...
On Prorizna Street in Shevchnkivsky district found it's home a snug pub called «Tralleybus». The menu combines popular European and Ukrainian dishes. Diners are offered soups, salads, snacks, varenyki and grilled food. Favorites on the menu are sandwiches, different beer snacks as shrimps, fish, mushrooms and roasted frogs. Do drink there is a good choice of Czech and Belgian beer as well as different options of house special liquors (nastoika) - Khrenovuha, Klukivka, Rjavi Gaiky. On Tuesdays guests may watch here masterpiece movies of the world and national cinema.

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