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Cafe Very Well Cafe

Very Well Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Zankovetskoyi 15/4
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Cafe Very Well Cafe
Kyiv, vul. Zankovetskoyi 15/4
Kyiv, vul. Zankovetskoyi 15/4
+38 073 044 2011
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianUkrainian
Average bill: 
Very Well Cafe is a part of restaurant chain with cosmopolitan cuisine. This place is famous for its Italian fare. The interior is executed in light colors with modern furniture. The menu offers a wide range of European and Ukrainian cuisine, as well as popular Italian fare. Guests can enjoy meat and fish cooked in a special Josper oven, hot appetizers with lavash, sausages and various desserts. The bar card offers a wide selection of homemade tinctures (nastoikas) and Italian wines sold by glasses
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