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Restaurant Warsteiner Pub

Warsteiner Pub
Kyiv, vul. Arkhitektora Gorodetskogo 4 B
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Restaurant Warsteiner Pub
Kyiv, vul. Arkhitektora Gorodetskogo 4 B
Kyiv, vul. Arkhitektora Gorodetskogo 4 B
+38 044 279 3180
Khreshchatyk, Maydan Nezalezhnosti
Cuisine:  EuropeanGerman
“Warsteiner Pub” is a beer restaurant located opposite cinema ”Ukraina". Interior is decorated in style of classical pub. The room is decorated with dark wood, there are huge fireplace with original shapes and carved bar in the centre of the room. Popular German dishes are represented in menu, there are BBQ and grill menu, as well as a large range of snacks for beer. Large summer terrace works during warmer months.

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