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Restaurant Yummy Mummy

Yummy Mummy
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska 27
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Restaurant Yummy Mummy
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska 27
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska 27
+38 097 557 5774
Maydan Nezalezhnosti, Zoloti vorota
Cuisine:  EuropeanHealthy Food
There is a gastro bar "Yummy Mummy" in Shevchenkivskyi district of the capital, near the metro station "Zoloti Vorota”. It combines restaurant of European cuisine and contact bar. Guests are greeted with glass facade and bright neon signs. Visitors can order complex lunches during the day, and gastrobar turns into a party place with the participation of popular DJs in the evening. Menu represents an assortment of European dishes, cooked according to traditional and author's recipes. Breakfas...

There is a gastro bar "Yummy Mummy" in Shevchenkivskyi district of the capital, near the metro station "Zoloti Vorota”.

It combines restaurant of European cuisine and contact bar. Guests are greeted with glass facade and bright neon signs.

Visitors can order complex lunches during the day, and gastrobar turns into a party place with the participation of popular DJs in the evening.

Menu represents an assortment of European dishes, cooked according to traditional and author's recipes.

Breakfasts: sandwiches, eggs, cheese cakes, oatmeal with hazelnut and lemon are served throughout the day. In addition, menu offers a variety of snacks, salads, soups and desserts. Each menu section contains a number of vegetarian dishes. Chefs cook dishes from natural fresh local products. Cheeses are delivered from Zakarpattya.

Specialties of the house are:

  • steamed veal cheeks,
  • cream soup with giblets,
  • cheese cakes with orange confiture,
  • sandwich with feta, baked pepper and basil,
  • liver mousse with currant jam,
  • mix of salads with roast beef and berry sauce,
  • arugula with smoked mackerel and sun-dried tomatoes,
  • rabbit's consomme with bulgur and mint,
  • duck leg with couscous,
  • gnocchi.

The bar represents an assortment of alcoholic cocktails, among them are special cocktail based on bourbon "Yummy Mummy" and cocktail based on brandy "Yummy Daddy".

Laconic interior is decorated in light colours, and the hall itself is divided into two zones: bar and darkened zone; main hall with panoramic windows and walls with author's drawings and paintings.


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