Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Fazan
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Restaurant Fazan

Odessa, ul. Akademika Koroleva 33a/1
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Restaurant Fazan
Odessa, ul. Akademika Koroleva 33a/1
Odessa, ul. Akademika Koroleva 33a/1
+38 048 718 1448
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
Fazan is a family restaurant based on Academician Koroleva Street. Guests are offered a wide range of popular European and traditional Ukrainian dishes cooked in Odessa manner. The menu lists house special shashlik, seafood salads, breakfast and lunch sets. In the warm time of the year visitors may relax on a summer open terrace. In the evening diners may enjoy here live music or join different show events and parties arranged on a regular basis.
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