Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Cafe Lvovskie pliatski
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Cafe Lvovskie pliatski

Lvovskie pliatski
Odessa, vul. Kateryninska 14
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Cafe Lvovskie pliatski
Odessa, vul. Kateryninska 14
Odessa, vul. Kateryninska 14
+38 097 098 8025
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
Bakery cafe Lvivsky Playtski is located on Katerininskaya Street in Primorskiy district of Odessa. Specialties of the cafe are strudels and cheese pancakes. The menu offers guests several options of strudel with different fillings as well as cheese cakes and cheese pancakes cooked according to a secret recipe. Through a glass screen separating the open plan kitchen from the main dining hall of the cafe, guests may watch how desserts are being made. Interior of the establishment is designed in th...
Bakery cafe Lvivsky Playtski is located on Katerininskaya Street in Primorskiy district of Odessa. Specialties of the cafe are strudels and cheese pancakes. The menu offers guests several options of strudel with different fillings as well as cheese cakes and cheese pancakes cooked according to a secret recipe. Through a glass screen separating the open plan kitchen from the main dining hall of the cafe, guests may watch how desserts are being made. Interior of the establishment is designed in the style of an old Lviv bakery - light furniture, walls painted in warm colors and many jars of jam on the shelves. In the warm time of the year guests may also relax on a summer terrace.
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