Cafe Trubadur

Odessa, pr. Akademika Glushko 16/18
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Cafe Trubadur
Odessa, pr. Akademika Glushko 16/18
Odessa, pr. Akademika Glushko 16/18
+38 067 559 0480
Cuisine:  EuropeanBelgian
Average bill: 
Troubadour is located in the heart of Odessa. This Belgian beer restaurant resembles one of the Brussels restaurants of the beginning of the twentieth century. Inside you’ll find massive dark furniture, pastel-colored walls with natural oak finish. The menu offers European, Belgian, Ukrainian, Russian and Mediterranean fare prepared in a distinguished manner. Guests can enjoy tapaka chicken with garlic and corn tortillas and veal steak with rokforma sauce. The restaurant also serves beer snacks....
Troubadour is located in the heart of Odessa. This Belgian beer restaurant resembles one of the Brussels restaurants of the beginning of the twentieth century. Inside you’ll find massive dark furniture, pastel-colored walls with natural oak finish. The menu offers European, Belgian, Ukrainian, Russian and Mediterranean fare prepared in a distinguished manner. Guests can enjoy tapaka chicken with garlic and corn tortillas and veal steak with rokforma sauce. The restaurant also serves beer snacks. Beverage options include different kinds of Belgian craft beer. Guests can participate in a mini-tasting.
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