Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Cafe Vasilevy pirogi

Cafe Vasilevy pirogi

Vasilevy pirogi
Kyiv, vul. Akademika Yanhelia 2
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Cafe Vasilevy pirogi
Kyiv, vul. Akademika Yanhelia 2
Kyiv, vul. Akademika Yanhelia 2
+38 044 227 5572
Shulyavsʹka, Politekhnichnyy instytut
Cuisine:  Bakery
Average bill: 
Vasilevi Pirogi offers traditional Ukrainian cuisine. The interior makes you feel like home: subdued light and simple wooden furniture resemble grandmother's kitchen. The menu offers a variety of soups, salads, appetizers, dumplings and meat pockets. The restaurant is famous for its pies with beef, cabbage, turkey, spinach, cheese and sturgeon, trout, salmon, and chicken. There is a wide selection of sweet cakes with chocolate and banana, lemon, cherries, blueberries, apples and nuts, cinnamon, pumpkin and mandarins and poppy seed cake.
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