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Indonesian Social Kitchen

17.804 Indonesian Social Kitchen
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 82
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Indonesian Social Kitchen
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 82
Kyiv, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 82
+38 097 824 6453
Cuisine:  Asian
Average bill: 
Restaurant "17.804. Indonesian Social Kitchen” is located on Velyka Vasilkivska in the centre of the capital, near the metro station "Olympiyska”. Menu offers traditional Indonesian dishes, made by authentic recipes of the chef and co-owner of the restaurant Eco Coesprantanto. Specialties of the house are: fried rice with chicken, shrimp, egg and original sauces "Nasi-goreng" spicy soup with coconut milk shrimps, rice noodles, wheat sprouts, basil and Laxa bean paste, young lamb on wood...

Restaurant "17.804. Indonesian Social Kitchen” is located on Velyka Vasilkivska in the centre of the capital, near the metro station "Olympiyska”.

Menu offers traditional Indonesian dishes, made by authentic recipes of the chef and co-owner of the restaurant Eco Coesprantanto.

Specialties of the house are:

  • fried rice with chicken, shrimp, egg and original sauces "Nasi-goreng"
  • spicy soup with coconut milk shrimps, rice noodles, wheat sprouts, basil and Laxa bean paste,
  • young lamb on wooden sticks "Satay"
  • tartar from tuna.

There is a spacious main hall with bar counter, made for fifty visitors.

In addition, in the warm season guests can sit on the summer terrace.

Interior is designed in modern style: warm sand and chocolate colours in design, leather chairs and soft sofas of graphite hue, finishings of natural wood, leather and metal.

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