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Restaurant Lipskiy

Kyiv, ul. Lipskaia 15
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Restaurant Lipskiy
Kyiv, ul. Lipskaia 15
Kyiv, ul. Lipskaia 15
+38 067 502 0354
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant "Lipsky" in the heart of Kyiv, on Pecherski hills. Interior combines classic and modern styles. The halls are decorated with stucco molding, modern furniture, antique grand piano and DJ console. Soft lighting is provided by brass lamps and crystal chandeliers. There is a pastry shop at the entrance to the restaurant, where morning coffee and fresh pastries, kefir and compotes of its own production are served. The main hall is equipped with olive-coloured furniture, walls a...

There is a restaurant "Lipsky" in the heart of Kyiv, on Pecherski hills.

Interior combines classic and modern styles. The halls are decorated with stucco molding, modern furniture, antique grand piano and DJ console. Soft lighting is provided by brass lamps and crystal chandeliers. There is a pastry shop at the entrance to the restaurant, where morning coffee and fresh pastries, kefir and compotes of its own production are served. The main hall is equipped with olive-coloured furniture, walls are decorated with panels in style of pop-art and huge mirrors, and there are books about art and architecture everywhere on the tables.

The main feature of the restaurant and the decoration of the main hall is its open kitchen with robara-grill. Guests can also stay in business lounge area, where the tables are separated with screens. Conferences, master-classes, presentations can be held in fire-place hall. Modern projector is installed here, and several levels of lighting are provided.

Menu represents European and Ukrainian dishes, cooked by the chef from local farm products.

Specialties of the house are classical dishes:

  • salad olivier,
  • borshch,
  • varenyky

and new authorial treats:

  • scallops with carrot hummus,
  • ceviche from white cupid with Zakarpatski honey-mushrooms,
  • octopus with crushed beans and chutney from pear.

The pride of the restaurant is the enoteca, in which over 800 brands of wines are collected. There are unique and rare wines.

Popular DJs perform here every Friday. Brunches are held here every Sunday.


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