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Restaurant Shchastya

Kyiv, vul. Yaroslavska 5/2
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Restaurant Shchastya
Kyiv, vul. Yaroslavska 5/2
Kyiv, vul. Yaroslavska 5/2
+38 063 749 4748
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant, called “Shastye”, in the heart of Podil, on Yaroslavska street. Interior is designed in Provencal style and recreates the atmosphere of old country house: calm colour scheme, live plants, wooden furniture and shelves with books, retro decor elements: old suitcase and rare record player. There are spacious hall with two balconies and summer terrace. The restaurant's special feature is its open kitchen, where wood-burning oven for pizza is located. Menu represents popular ...

There is a restaurant, called “Shastye”, in the heart of Podil, on Yaroslavska street.

Interior is designed in Provencal style and recreates the atmosphere of old country house: calm colour scheme, live plants, wooden furniture and shelves with books, retro decor elements: old suitcase and rare record player. There are spacious hall with two balconies and summer terrace.

The restaurant's special feature is its open kitchen, where wood-burning oven for pizza is located. Menu represents popular European dishes in the author's interpretation of the chef. The main emphasis is made on the diversity of salads, pizza, steaks and fish dishes.

Specialties of the house are:

  • cream-soup made of corn with mussels,
  • Caesar salad with bread chips and homemade chicken,
  • grilled veal salad,
  • salad with three cheeses, drunk pear, blackberry sauce and walnut mix,
  • Portuguese salad with mango and crispy chicken in ginger sauce,
  • veal carpaccio with homemade sour-cream and flying fish caviar,
  • veal tartare with ginger and quail egg,
  • lamb tongue with wasabi horseradish dressed with orange juice and Worcester sauce.

There are separate sections of dishes on brazier and thin pizza with various ingredients as a filling. The bar serves classical cocktails, spirits and home Georgian wines. The restaurant has a cork fee system.


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