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Restaurant Сильвио Де Италиа (Silvio D’Italia)

Сильвио Де Италиа
Kyiv, vul. Nizhniy Val 23
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Restaurant Сильвио Де Италиа (Silvio D’Italia)
Kyiv, vul. Nizhniy Val 23
Kyiv, vul. Nizhniy Val 23
+38 044 383 3264
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  ItalianPizza
Average bill: 
There is a cozy restaurant "Silvio D'Italia" in the historical centre of Kyiv, on Nyzhniy Val street. Original interior recreates the atmosphere of Italian trattoria: vaulted ceilings, panoramic windows, terracotta brickwork, antique mirrors in gilded frames, soft sofas and armchairs. There are checkered tablecloths and soft light shades. Menu is based on traditional dishes of Italian cuisine. Cheeses and snacks are delivered to the restaurant straight from Italy. Thin pizza is baked in a real w...
There is a cozy restaurant "Silvio D'Italia" in the historical centre of Kyiv, on Nyzhniy Val street. Original interior recreates the atmosphere of Italian trattoria: vaulted ceilings, panoramic windows, terracotta brickwork, antique mirrors in gilded frames, soft sofas and armchairs. There are checkered tablecloths and soft light shades. Menu is based on traditional dishes of Italian cuisine. Cheeses and snacks are delivered to the restaurant straight from Italy. Thin pizza is baked in a real wood-burning oven. The emphasis is made on pastas, ravioli, spaghetti, tortellini, and also traditional soup "Minestrone". Specialties of the house are panini with mozzarella, prosciutto and tomatoes, mussels in wine-lemon sauce, warm veal salad, "Penne meat in hot sauce", fillet of duck with caramelised pear, steak "Tuscany". Guests are served complex business-lunches on weekdays. The wine list of the restaurant consists of wines of the New World and New Zealand. Summer terrace works in warm season. Live music sounds in the restaurant in the evenings, musical bands perform on a specially equipped stage often.


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