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Restaurant Sobaka S’ela Golubja

Sobaka S’ela Golubja
Kyiv, Bessarabs'ka pl. 7
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Restaurant Sobaka S’ela Golubja
Kyiv, Bessarabs'ka pl. 7
Kyiv, Bessarabs'ka pl. 7
+38 098 088 0033
Cuisine:  European
Concept Sobaka Syela Golubya (dog eat a pigeon) restaurant is located on Bessarabska Square. The place is housed in the building of the old post office and has three basic rooms - the bar, the wine room and the open kitchen hall. Diners are served here the head chef’s signature European dishes. The interior features wood and metal trim as a symbol link between the past and the future. The walls are adorned with clocks showing different time. Food is cooked in an open kitchen according to s...
Concept Sobaka Syela Golubya (dog eat a pigeon) restaurant is located on Bessarabska Square. The place is housed in the building of the old post office and has three basic rooms - the bar, the wine room and the open kitchen hall. Diners are served here the head chef’s signature European dishes. The interior features wood and metal trim as a symbol link between the past and the future. The walls are adorned with clocks showing different time. Food is cooked in an open kitchen according to sous-vide method. To drink there is an extensive wine list, coffee brewed in a handmade coffee machine and house special Kaskaru coffee tea.

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