Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Cafe Belyy Rover (Bilyi Rover)
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Cafe Belyy Rover (Bilyi Rover)

Belyy Rover
Lviv, ul. Krakovskaia 25
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Cafe Belyy Rover (Bilyi Rover)
Lviv, ul. Krakovskaia 25
Lviv, ul. Krakovskaia 25
+38 097 473 9109
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
Belyy Rover
Belyy Rover
Belyy Rover
There is a bistro “Bilyi Rover" in the historic centre of Lviv, on Krakovska street, in a three-minute walk from the Opera House. Interior is decorated in modern style: light pastel shades, laconic furniture, large windows with wide windowsills, on which guests can sit. Menu is based on a wide range of popular European and Ukrainian dishes, which are cooked from natural fresh products according to home recipes. Cafe-bistro works in format of buffet. Guests can choose their own traditional Euro...

There is a bistro “Bilyi Rover" in the historic centre of Lviv, on Krakovska street, in a three-minute walk from the Opera House.

Interior is decorated in modern style: light pastel shades, laconic furniture, large windows with wide windowsills, on which guests can sit. Menu is based on a wide range of popular European and Ukrainian dishes, which are cooked from natural fresh products according to home recipes.

Cafe-bistro works in format of buffet. Guests can choose their own traditional European breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The feature of the house is that all dishes can be bought at one price.

Menu includes a variety of snacks, salads, first courses, main dishes, pastries and side dishes, which are released at fixed price for one hundred grams.

An assortment of coffee and coffee cocktails, various types of tea are offered. Cafe-bistro has a system of discounts on the first and main dishes in the evening.

In addition, guests can order dishes for takeaway.

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