Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Brudershaft
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Restaurant Brudershaft

Lviv, vul. Virmenska 16
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Restaurant Brudershaft
Lviv, vul. Virmenska 16
Lviv, vul. Virmenska 16
+38 050 822 0412
Cuisine:  EuropeanHungarianUkrainian
Average bill: 
"Brudershaft" is located at Armyanski district steps from Lviv’s Rynok Square. It is a restaurant with a decor that evoke Lviv’s Austro-Hungarian period. There are rare black-and-white photos and old documents and one of the first telephones, tools, coats of arms, flasks and other. The restaurant features three halls: bar, hunters’ and with a fireplace. The menu offers authentic Austrian, Hungarian and Ukrainian fare. Guests can enjoy snacks and Bruderschaft rissoles, Tsesarska...
"Brudershaft" is located at Armyanski district steps from Lviv’s Rynok Square. It is a restaurant with a decor that evoke Lviv’s Austro-Hungarian period. There are rare black-and-white photos and old documents and one of the first telephones, tools, coats of arms, flasks and other. The restaurant features three halls: bar, hunters’ and with a fireplace. The menu offers authentic Austrian, Hungarian and Ukrainian fare. Guests can enjoy snacks and Bruderschaft rissoles, Tsesarskaya soup and several wild game dishes. You can try steaks from venison, wild boar, roe deer, pheasant or quail. Guests can enjoy the special Lviv beer in the bar.
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