Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Bar Burger Time
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Bar Burger Time

Burger Time
Lviv, pl. Halytsʹkoho 16
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Bar Burger Time
Lviv, pl. Halytsʹkoho 16
Lviv, pl. Halytsʹkoho 16
+38 063 832 6053
Cuisine:  Fast Food
Burger Time
Burger Time
Burger Time
«Burger Time Snackbar» is located not far from the Puppet Theatre on Halyts’ky Square. This place is a fast food restaurant. The menu offers American and European cuisines. There is a wide selection of burgers with different fillings, panino buns, pita bread rolls, salads and snacks. You can order breakfast in the morning. There is a variety of cocktails and coffee drinks in the bar.
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