Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Cheers
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Restaurant Cheers

Lviv, vul. Chernihivsʹka 29
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Restaurant Cheers
Lviv, vul. Chernihivsʹka 29
Lviv, vul. Chernihivsʹka 29
+38 032 260 0907
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
«Cheers Bar & Restaurant» is located on Chernigivska Street in the center of Lviv. The menu offers popular European fare in the chef’s interpretation. Guests can taste various snacks here. The bar offers more than twenty creative cocktails. There are Prosecco sparkling wines and French, Italian and Australian wines available by the glass. The restaurant has a great hookah menu with different varieties of tobacco.
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