Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Bar Dom legend
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Bar Dom legend

Dom legend
Lviv, vul. Staroyevreyska 48
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Bar Dom legend
Lviv, vul. Staroyevreyska 48
Lviv, vul. Staroyevreyska 48
+38 050 430 2924
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
«Dim Legend» (‘House of Legends’) is a gastronomic bar with the rooftop balcony. The restaurant occupies four floors and seven levels of historic building just steps from Rynok Square. Each hall is dedicated to a different legend of old city. Guests can see samples of bridges of various historical periods, old books, sculptures of Lviv lions. The Chimney Sweep lives on the terrace. The menu offers European and Ukrainian cuisines prepared according to home recipes in the real Ukraini...
«Dim Legend» (‘House of Legends’) is a gastronomic bar with the rooftop balcony. The restaurant occupies four floors and seven levels of historic building just steps from Rynok Square. Each hall is dedicated to a different legend of old city. Guests can see samples of bridges of various historical periods, old books, sculptures of Lviv lions. The Chimney Sweep lives on the terrace. The menu offers European and Ukrainian cuisines prepared according to home recipes in the real Ukrainian oven. The bar serves a large selection of homemade tinctures (nastoyankas). Guests can enjoy pyrotechnic displays in the evenings.
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