Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Elita
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Restaurant Elita

Lviv, vul. Horodotska 85
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Restaurant Elita
Lviv, vul. Horodotska 85
Lviv, vul. Horodotska 85
+38 066 447 1077
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
«Elita» restaurant is located on Horodotska Street not far from the circus. The menu offers traditional dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisines. Guests may order a table in the huge banquet hall or in the cozy VIP room. The interior is designed in classic style. Feature of the restaurant are pastel colors, mahogany furniture, ingenious chandeliers, paintings of the walls as well as a lot of light and real flowers. In the evening guests may enjoy here live instrumental music.
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