Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Pizzeria Felicita
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Pizzeria Felicita

Lviv, pl. Mitskevicha 1
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Pizzeria Felicita
Lviv, pl. Mitskevicha 1
Lviv, pl. Mitskevicha 1
+38 067 361 2828
Cuisine:  ItalianPizza
Average bill: 
Felicita is situated in George Hotel on Mitskevych Square. The interior is executed in country style and resembles an Italian trattoria. There is simple wood furniture in the hall. Tables are covered with checkered tablecloths. There jars of homemade pickles, bouquets of natural flowers and various kitchenware on shelves. Felicita serves a full menu of traditional Italian cuisine. Pizza is baked in wood-fired oven in the open kitchen, so guests can observe the process. The wine card offers a wid...
Felicita is situated in George Hotel on Mitskevych Square. The interior is executed in country style and resembles an Italian trattoria. There is simple wood furniture in the hall. Tables are covered with checkered tablecloths. There jars of homemade pickles, bouquets of natural flowers and various kitchenware on shelves. Felicita serves a full menu of traditional Italian cuisine. Pizza is baked in wood-fired oven in the open kitchen, so guests can observe the process. The wine card offers a wide selection of sparkling, white and red wines from different regions of Italy.
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