Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Frayerka

Restaurant Frayerka

Lviv, vul. Hlyboka 16
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Restaurant Frayerka
Lviv, vul. Hlyboka 16
Lviv, vul. Hlyboka 16
+38 097 417 0816
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
Confectionery Restaurant «Frayerka» offers visitors a great selection of classical European desserts, homemade pastry and handmade sweets. The restaurant employs professional bakers who bake cakes according to the author’s recipes. Seasonal products such as fruits and berries are used when making pastry. There is a variety of coffees and coffee drinks. The interior is carried out in style of traditional European coffee house with white tablecloths, wood furniture, pastel colors and natural flowers.
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